Sunday, March 11, 2012

Is Dooms Day for REAL?!

Last night I had a deep, philosophical conversation with my husband.  He told me that is he not afraid to die.  I knew this about him however, and am a bit envious.  My mother also is not afraid to die. 

If you're reading this post, maybe you're like me...still searching for life's truths...the meaning of it all. 
It's been years since I've gone to church.  My reason?  It didn't feel real.  I didn't feel a connection to my religion.  I felt like I was putting on an act and going through the motions.  I disagreed with some things - like hell, judging others who don't worship the way I did, not accepting someones sexual preference, etc. 
Around the time I discovered yoga, I stopped going to church. I truly began treating people better.  Treating people as,"citizens of the world" instead of "feeling bad for them because they were sinners and didn't believe what I believed."  I became more accepting of others actions - good and...not-so-good.  I let go of the guilt that I had built up in myself over the years.  I began loving myself and respecting myself more.

Please, I am NOT saying being religious is bad, but for me, it made me feel like I was segregating people - as if I was part of a clique, or something...

Problem was, even though I felt like I was a better person without religion, I began to lose sight of a higher power.  I began questioning, "Does God exist?" "Is there really life after death?"

Lately I have been fascinated with relearning the meaning of life.  Thanks to my husband and my mother, I have started to get back on track.  I am relearning that God is indeed within me...within all of us.  We are all unique, beautiful souls - some of us may exude it better than others simply because we are all on a different part of our journey - trying to get it right.

I am currently reading a book about the life and teachings of Edgar Cayce (if you're not familiar with him, I recommend you check out  I am really into this right now for many reasons - but there are so many reasons that I can't go into too much detail.  It's comforting to read...especially if you are caught up in the Mayan prophecies, and the end-of-days theories.  My next book will be the, "Urantia."  My husband has read the abridged version of this (  - it talks about LIFE, why we are here, what really happens when we die and explains how and why our soul will live forever. 

I am writing this because I want to encourage the reader to become spiritually awakened - that is if you're not already.  And then ask yourself, "Am I a loving person?"  Or, do you love just yourself, or do your treat your dog better than your spouse?  We have to embrace the fact that no one person is above another.  Treat ALL human beings with respect.  Let go of negativity and judgement - that means with everyone at home and abroad. 

If we can grasp this concept on a Global level, I believe we will avoid a lot of these terrible things that prophets have predicted.  The more positive energy we put out to the world, the more we will attract.  We can write our own destiny, but we have to truly practice and believe what we preach.  If you are afraid to die, ask yourself, "Why?"  Then, go and find the answer.  Search your soul honestly.  We've all heard this stuff before...but why then do we not learn from history?  Why do we continue to harm, to kill and to segregate? 

We are only doomed if we think we are doomed.